Obesity News Archives June 2010
26th June, 2010
World News - World breaking New
A new study determined that 5 minutes a day exercising on a bike can help middle aged women with weight loss. The new study took place over a 16 year timespan and studied more than 18,000 women who were a minimum of 25 years of age and a maximum of 42 years of age. [More...]
Celebrities with Diseases
Dieting is ineffective without workout for losing weightA recent study has revealed that dieting cannot help deal with obesity. According to www.sciencedaily.com, one needs to keep a tab on ones calorie intake and also engage in physical workout in order to lose weight. The study has been conducted by researchers at the Oregon Health & Science [More...]
26th June, 2010
Independent Mail, Anderson, South Carolina
You could simply stop using the salt shaker, and reduce your weight. If you read the nutrition facts on food packages you’ll see that sodium is in everything you eat. Here are the tips that will help you to reduce weight. [More ...]
24th June, 2010
WeightWorld, UnitedKingdom
First Lady Michelle Obama leads the battle against child obesity, with one in three of the American population suffering from obesity. [More ...]
Research has found a substance in RedWine that can combat Obesity. [More ...]
23rd June, 2010
WeightWorld, UnitedKingdom
Pop Music and Obesity have begun to cross paths. Pop Stars address their weight issues thru music and have lost around 50 pounds. [More ...]